There are some changes you can make to your lifestyle that could help reduce your risk of cancers. This includes things like what you eat, drink, whether you smoke and any physical activity you do. Even small changes can make a difference and help improve your general health too!
However, lifestyle choices are very personal and there is no pressure to make any changes at all if you don’t want to or if you are not able to at this time due to other health issues or priorities.
We have included some resources to support you if you are interested in changing something in your lifestyle. It’s fine to choose just one thing that suits you, you don’t need to try to change everything at once. You can come back to this session whenever it suits you.
Some lifestyle changes may not be suitable for people with Lynch syndrome, for example, not everyone can eat more fibre. It’s ok to choose the ones that are right for you.
Your GP can support you to think about lifestyle changes.
Click here to see simple steps for good bowel health from Bowel Cancer UK
Click here to see the NHS Eatwell Guide to achieving a healthy, balanced diet
Click here to see free tools, tips and support to help you quit smoking
Click here to see how you could improve your fitness and wellbeing by exercising
Click here to see some detailed cancer prevention recommendations
A healthy lifestyle for families of South Asian heritage includes:

Regular Exercise

Getting more fibre in the foods you eat

Eating less red meat

Eating less processed meats