Help and support
If you are worried about symptoms, please see your GP
Bowel Cancer UK
Bowel Cancer UK have plenty of resources, including more information about aspirin:
Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK have a set of resources about treating and living with bowel cancer:
Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan Cancer Support have information and support for people with bowel cancer (including rectal cancer and colon cancer):
MIND charity can provide support for your mental health if you feel you are struggling:
If you would like to see other sources of help or support, click here.
Further reading if you want to read more:
If you want to know more about the research behind taking aspirin, you can watch this video with Sir John Burn from 2021
The guidelines on taking aspirin when you have Lynch syndrome are here: NICE colorectal cancer guidance [NG151]: Recommendations for research 1.1.1:
NICE Decision Aid. Lynch syndrome: Should I take aspirin?
If you want to read more about the recommendations for taking aspirin click here.
CaPP3 (Cancer Prevention Programme) Study and information about the CaPP2 study.
Chances of getting bowel cancer:
Click here if you want to see a graph of how your chance of getting cancer changes over time. This graph was developed with families with Lynch syndrome and can show personalised information depending on your age. But please remember that the graph does not compare your chances of cancer with the general population, and people with Lynch syndrome are not at a higher risk of some of these cancers than the general population. You might want to talk about these graphs with your gynaecologist to help you understand what it means for you. The graph on this website calls the womb the ‘endometrium’.
Number of cases for the general population:
Information for your GP:
This website might help your GP to understand the evidence behind the guidelines about aspirin.
Further reading about Lynch syndrome:
Royal Marsden A Beginner’s Guide to Lynch syndrome booklet.
Huge thanks to the patients and medical experts who supported the development of this session. Our International Lynch Decision Aid Stakeholder Panel includes patients, people representing charities and support groups, medical and research experts including doctors, genetic counsellors, oncologists, surgeons, GPs, nurses, psychologists, and communication specialists.
Thanks very much to Lily Barnett @gcnotes for the images on this website.
Page last updated on: 16/12/2023